Kristine Beese, Founder of Untangle Money: Empowering Women’s Financial Clarity and Independence

Aligned with our objective of equipping women and youth to achieve socio-cultural agency and economic empowerment & independence, we are excited to share this amazing offer with the entire WWN Community! EVERY MEMBER of Whole Woman Network Social Enterprise and/or Whole Women Network Co-op gets a 20% Discount on the “UNTANGLE MINI AUTO – an innovative and iterative financial planning app that helps women reduce financial anxiety and achieve financial freedom, health & wellbeing.

In the words of Kristine Beese, the founder of UNTANGLE MONEY, “At Untangle Money, we’ve rebuilt the financial planning process from the ground up and we’ve focused on women every step along the way. Think of your UNTANGLE MINI as your financial health checkup. You’ll find out where you are and what you need to change to be financially healthy. In the Untangle MINI Personalized Financial Plan, you’ll see your Now Money and your Future Money, and the trade-offs you can make between the two. It’s an iterative process and in the end, you’ll have the information you need to help you make the best financial decisions for yourself.

You’ll also focus on the two money metrics that matter most, so you won’t be drowned in detail. You’ll leave knowing what you can afford and what you need to put away for your chosen retirement. You’ll have a clear path forward, you’ll reduce your financial anxiety and you’ll be 2x as likely to reach your goals. Our hero product is our Untangle MINI. Think of it like your financial health checkup. It tells you where you are, where you’re going, and how you’re going to get there. The Untangle MINI also teaches you what you can change if you find out that your financial help needs support. We focus you on your two most important money metrics, so that you’re not adding to your mental load. Proudly, the Untangle MINI works. We’re seeing a 30% reduction in women’s financial anxiety, which is women’s number one source of stress.”

Interested in getting the UNTANGLE MINI at a 20% Discount? Get the unique Discount Code for WWN Members by sending an email to:

More About UNTANGLE MONEY, the Company:

Untangle Money creates financial plans, financial seminars, and financial workshops specifically for middle-income women, and couples. Untangle Money’s goal is to get a financial plan into the hands of 1 million Canadian women. They have worked with 3 of Canada’s 10 largest employers: George Weston (owner of Loblaws and Shoppers Drug Mart), Brookfield Properties and RBC. Untangle Money has also worked with the Faculty and Staff at Canada’s most prestigious business school: Ivey Business School. We even went on Dragons Den and got a deal! 

Financial plans are not designed for the average person, they are designed for people with meaningful wealth. We help visionary companies and organizations have a meaningful impact on the everyday women, and couples, who work for them. Money is women’s #1 source of stress and Untangle Money lowers women’s financial anxiety by 30%.

More About the Phenomenal KRISTINE BEESE

Kristine Beese, P.Eng. is the CEO of Untangle Money and helps women reduce their anxiety and gain clarity about their money. With over a decade of experience in the finance industry, Kristine shares the strategies employed by high-net-worth individuals with the masses. She believes healthy conversations around wealth include knowing where you are today, where you want to go, and how you will get there.

As a woman and a mother, Kristine learned through her experience in male-dominated industries that women experience the world differently from men, especially regarding wealth and finance. As a result, her work is developed for women using women-specific data. Kristine is a former national pairs figure skater who brings tenacity and bravery to her role as a founder. A problem solver by nature, her international experience in engineering, capital markets and wealth management helps her look at problems from a first-principles perspective. Kristine holds an MBA from the Ivey School of Business and an engineering physics degree from Queen’s University.

Interested in getting the UNTANGLE MINI at a 20% Discount? Get the unique Discount Code for WWN Members by sending an email to:

P.S: Another Bonus Offer! Don’t forget to check out Untangle Money’s How-To Guide on getting started with Investing:

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