Spring Cleaning for Your Business: A Business Finance Masterclass by Christine Labate, CEO, Good Measure Finance

April is Financial Literacy Month. Know your Business Finances INSIDE OUT! Ditch the question, “where is my money going?” And learn to master your cash!

Follow Christine Labate CEO of @goodmeasurefinance and sign up for her upcoming masterclass.
➤➤➤ Apply to attend the masterclass: https://members.goodmeasurefinance.com/registration-page

“You can’t scale your business unless you know your finances in and out.
When you don’t manage the money in your business well:

➡️ You’re constantly trying to make more revenue but your bank account never seems to grow.

➡️ You don’t know how much to pay yourself. Or worse, you don’t pay yourself AT ALL!

➡️ Profit and loss statements don’t make any sense and you have no idea how to use these numbers to reach your revenue goals.

➡️ Surprise tax bills or unexpected expenses squeeze your cash reserves dry.

➡️ You don’t know whether to spend or save to scale your business.

It feels overwhelming to the point you’d rather get a root canal than deal with your finances. It doesn’t have to be as complicated as you think.

I’m holding a free live training to share with you the 3 most important things you need to take care of to manage your business finances effectively.

3 things that if you start paying attention to, will get you off that revenue hamster wheel for good and into consistent profit and cash growth.” — Christine Labate, CEO, Good Measure Finance

➤➤➤ Let’s stop guessing our way to success:

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