Archive | September 2013

Decades of Laughter, Decades of Tears…

Day without Laughter Whole Woman Network

“My great hope is to laugh as much as I cry; to get my work done and to love somebody and have the courage to accept their love in return.” ~Maya Angelou~

Decades of Laughter, Decades of Tears…An original poemLaughter and Wrinkles Whole Woman Network

Decades of silence, decades of tears

Decades of merely existing, shrouded in fears

Decades without music, decades without dance

Decades of passing through life in a deep, dark trance

Decades of hiding, of lying and slowly dying

Decades of crouching in shadows instead of freely flying

Decades of pain, dark moments, we thought lost, never to be regained

All rolled into now, this glorious moment, with everything reclaimed.

laughter is an instant vacation Whole Woman Network

Decades of new beginnings, decades of living

Decades of rising into a new-found awakening

Decades of laughter, mingled with healing tears, caressing soft lashes

Decades of joy, of gaining mastery of life’s tranquility and her clashes

Decades of opening up, welcoming change and embracing

All that we are, were and will be, as phenomenally amazing

Decades, when finally, our inner light

Defeats the darkness and shines so bright

Illuminating our path, as we become one with our essence

As we decide to embrace our new-found magnificence!

Today, as you behold these words and read these lines, slow or fast

Celebrate your new decade unfold, a life of love, laughter and joy, here at last

Simply BE and BEAM: Be Everything And More!

© ‘Kego Onyido