Archive | May 2012

An invitation to WWN’s upcoming Meetup on Monday May 28, 2012

Whole Woman Network invites you to their Monthly Meetup.                                                       

(Theme for 2nd Quarter; April-June, 2012: Health & Wellness)

Guest Speaker: Lorraine Powell

Topic: Healthy Eating Choices Towards a Healthy Life!

Date: Monday, May 28      Time: 7-8.30 PM

Place: Loblaws Meeting Room (Bayview & High Tech Rd, Richmond Hill)

Fee: $10 at the door (Note: At the end of the session, all guests receive a $10 Loblaws coupon, so the meeting is complimentary)!

Lorraine Powell, Certified Personal Chef and Cooking School Co-ordinator at Loblaws Great Food, will lead an exciting and interactive session on:

Healthy Eating Choices Towards a Healthy Life!

Did you know that there are foods that are great for weight management, your metabolism,  and overall optimal health? Join us as we share and learn about Healthy Eating choices, Super Foods and decoding Food Labels correctly. Learn more about how healthy nutrition can stabilize hormonal changes, control your mood and so much more….Get effective and actionable tips towards healthy living!

Bring a friend along and enjoy a fun, engaging and informative evening!


Prizes to be won! Exciting Gifts for Guests!  Great Networking!

*Light Refreshment will be served.

-Take action towards a Healthier, Sexier, Wealthier YOU!!

Living Lives of Purpose, Passion & Power with Julia ‘Butterfly’ Hill!

Julia Butterfly Hill at the Harmony Festival

Julia Butterfly Hill at the Harmony Festival (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

There is an accepted belief that the people and events you surround yourself with ultimately shape the person you become. And so, a few weeks ago, some members of the Whole Woman Network attended a special event  hosted by the meet-up group, ‘Leading Lives of Purpose, Passion and Power’, featuring the award-winnning activist, writer and poet Julia Butterfly Hill.

It was a powerful gathering focused on exploring sacred solutions for activating the consciousness of oneness, creativity and social change. The theme for the event was on turning inspiration into action and leading lives of Purpose, Passion and Power!

This was an engaging, extraordinary and transformational event with unimaginably positive energy,  great music and stirring spoken word. And for those of you who were not able to make it, here are some nuggets of wisdom and life-changing ideas as espoused by Julia Hill at the event:

1. We have become a society built on ‘Addiction to consumption’. An addiction to consuming media, food, drugs, love etc To function optimally in this new, warped reality, we must build up healthy internal  coping mechanisms. Be careful not to be afflicted by the debilitating disease of consumerism.

2. In periods of pain and challenges, take the time to explore what lies at your core and what your true values are. Most often, we distract ourselves to take our minds away from our pain and so we learn nothing and repeat the cycle of unresolved pain all over. When we acknowledge, embrace and confront our pains, we deal with it in the present and then it has no power to hurt us in the future again. A lot of us still experience ancestral pains.

3. You should strive to use up everything you are and have, in the pursuit of what you are truly passionate about. Your purpose in life is to live your life on purpose.

4. Each of us is an amazing miracle of love and the greatest obstacles in our lives are all in our heads.

5. To transform your environment, you must first transform yourselves. And in order to transform yourself, you must first slay the dragon of fear that lies in your head.

6. Every issue, fear, pain and challenge we face is a symptom of a disease; the dis-ease of ‘Disconnect’ from God, the source and creator.  This disconnect then manifests itself as a disconnect from people’s pain and so we lash out in our pain rather than celebrate our common humanity and connectivity. We must first deal with the root of the disease.

7. Mother Nature, is frantic like all mothers get when their kids go way out of line. She is screaming at her her children are misbehaving. So she screams and barks to get our attention in the form of Tsunamis, Earthquakes, Floods, hurricanes etc

8. We must become wise in managing our passions and channeling it well while remain open to and/or respectful of opposing ideals because the danger is that the moment we become passionate we are one step away from being fundamentalists!

9. As we say ‘NO’ to something, lets also embody what ‘YES’ feels like. We must own both our humanity and our crap!

10. It is impossible for you NOT to make a difference because even science has shown that all choices are critical to the state of things and choices cannot exist in a vacuum. So know that with every single choice we make, we are  all co-creating our world because we are all connected.

11. Consciously make time and space for relationships that matter in your lives.

12. The world robs you by co-opting 2 things from you: i. Your Time and ii. Your Attention

13. Welcome that zone/place where something or someone breaks your heart open, for it is in that zone that something real  and meaningful happens.

14. The #1 trait of true wealth is a complete and utter sense of contentment and fulfillment. It is a freedom of the soul to enjoy the NOW.

15. Your enemy is that person on the inside that each of us all have to one day meet or we will be eaten from within.

16. Sometimes what ‘we know’ can get in the way of ‘what we need to know’.

17. Awareness is simply knowingly choosing what you place your energy and attention on. It means showing up and being present, being here!

18. Listen with your heart, Experience with your senses and act with your head. Focus on what breaks your heart open. Disengage from people, things, events and experiences that leave you drained, depleted and depressed.

19. Our right brains tell us a story (ancestor’s story), while your left brain allows you to go into a place of awareness; a shift into mindful spaciousness. When you are open and your heart is unshielded, you can experience true compassion. Compassion is the ability to sense into the pains of others without having to demand, distract or defend.

20. Look for ways to make your life very simple so that you may have time for the truly important stuff.

21. No matter how shut off or shut down people are, they are longing for meaningful connections and purpose.

22. Learn the practice of resetting your magnetic field to attract only the people and opportunities that are right for you. You cannot see in others what you don’t have in yourselves.

23. What is your symbolic tree? Not what you have been called to do but who and what you are called to be.

24. True love does not demand that we impress, neither does it leave us drained, depleted or depressed rather it allows us freedom to be creative, energetic and joyous!

25. Courage is having a heart that is open and engaged to take chances and embrace love, life and death regardless of the inherent fears.

26. In the face of a challenge, our animalistic brain reacts in 3 ways: flight, fight or freeze! These reactions are based on our experiences of past fears and pains. Take a mindful breath and then decide from the present.

27. Humor is an important coping skill. Be curious and have a deep, fascinating interest in life all around you.

28. We cannot control the world but we can control our experiences. Other people can take action but only YOU can control how you experience their action. It is always possible to solve conflicts once we let go of the ego and dissenting issues and choose to focus on our common humanity.

29. Stop playing the compare and contrast game! Who, Where and What you are is exactly as it should be and the best version of you is the best there is.

30. Become aware of how to grow yourself, when to gather your energy and when to stop. Know and distinguish between your source and your resources.  Understand your refuge; what eases down your whole body, calms you and re-energizes you. What is your best mode of worship? It maybe prayer, meditation, reading, dancing, listening, singing….

I fervently hope something on this list helps you, as you continue on your journey of leading a life of purpose, passion and power!

Be social! Read| Like| Comment| Share with your network! 🙂

❤ Cyber-Hugs,

Love, Light & Truth!

-Juliet ‘Kego Ume-Onyido (
Co-Founder & Executive Director, Whole WoMan Network



Blogger Bio:

Juliet Ume in polka dot topThe preceding post is from Juliet ‘Kego Ume-Onyido, an international Speaker, Poet, Master-Certified Leadership Coach-Trainer-Consultant and the author of the upcoming books: “UN-Locking Your HeArt of Leadership”  and “Today, I Will Not Bow”. She is an avid Life Connoisseur, who simply loves the whole human experience ! She is a passionate advocate of WomEntrepreneurship, Leadership Training, Investment & Financial Literacy for women and youth (especially girls). Her mission is simply to engage, educate and empower a new generation of Transformational, Ethical and Creative African Leaders. Follow her on Twitter: @wholewomaninc, @julietumeinc. Enjoy some of her portfolio of poems on her Floetry Blog and follow her daily reflective posts on her Facebook pages: WholeWoManNetwork & JulietKego.


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10 Ways To Overcome Stress

Are you among the 95% of the population living under stress? Then, this is a ‘MUST’ read! The following post was written by the dynamic Patricia Grace Tomasi, as part of a Guest Blogging circle created by the York Region Small Business Club. The YRSBiz helps small businesses in York Region connect. Their goal is to provide free or low-cost opportunities for local businesses to connect and engage with each other and ultimately to help small businesses succeed.


10 ways to overcome stress

Stress (journal)

1. Meditation

This is by the far the best way to overcome stress. Find five minutes out of your day to sit still, close your eyes, tune out the world, and tune in. It may be difficult at first because we’re used to running a million thoughts in our head, but like anything, it takes practice, so give it a chance and soon you’ll become a much a calmer person. You can also use tools to enhance your meditation experience such as music, candles, or incense. I can definitely help you begin a meditation practice.

2. Self Care

In order to love others, you must love yourself first – that means treating yourself as you would your most amazing guest. Be a wonderful host to yourself, pamper yourself, take yourself out on dates, do things that make you happy – you must nourish your self in order to be the kind, loving, and wonderful person you want to be towards others. I love this quote by Paolo Coelho, author of The Alchemist and Aleph: “Sacrifice is not a virtue and joy is not a sin.”

3. Eat well

What we put in our bodies has a direct correlation with how we feel emotionally. If you’re eating a diet high in salt, sugar, and saturated fat, you’re only compounding your stress. Eat as clean as you can – fruits, veggies, and lots of clean water. Believe me, I know it’s hard – you’ve just gotta do it, fight your resistance – you’ll feel so much better in a very short time. And that includes taking high quality vitamins and supplements of which I recommend Usana, the highest ranked nutritional supplement company in the world partnered with Dr. Oz. Feel free to email me for more info and a 20% discount on all their products:

4. Exercise

It’s a no brainer – you’ve heard this time and time again – eat well, exercise… but we need a reminder because it’s the truth. If you don’t have time, just try to incorporate as much movement as you can into your day – take the stairs instead of the elevator, walk to the store, jog while watching TV, go out and pick all those dandelions! I’m a huge fan of yoga and I am also a yoga instructor so that’s my favourite type of exercise to do. Find something that gets you moving – take a salsa class if that’s what you like – just move.

5. Become self aware

If you really want to combat stress, you need to get to the source of it. There’s a great Tibetan belief that any time you encounter a difficult person or situation, you should look upon it as a great jewel and gift to you. Your stress is there to teach you something about yourself that needs changing. Where is the stress coming from? Try to dig through the layers by asking yourself “why is this so?” every time you think you’ve come up with the reason. Be willing to shine a light and bring awareness to what’s really going on. Gloria Steinem once said, “The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.” Hahaha, I love that quote and it’s so true. Be willing to work on yourself, evolve, and above all, be gentle with yourself in the process.

6. Be open to Divine guidance

Once you’re willing to get to the root of your troubles, be open to the signs around you, funny coincidences, repeated phrases or numbers – no matter what you believe, whether this is divine guidance for you or not, there could be a message in the sign if you’re willing to look at it a little closer.

7. Rediscover your passions

What did you like to do as a child? Did you like to draw? Perform? Bake? Or were you the little entrepreneur with the lemonade stand at the end of your driveway? In order for us to be truly happy, we need to find and rediscover our true passions and then start living them. This doesn’t mean you have to change your whole life around. It just means that if you enjoyed dancing, you could enroll in lessons once a week, or if you always wanted to be an actress, why not try out for a local community theatre play?

8. “Surround yourself with people who only lift you higher” – Oprah

This is so true but may not be achievable at the beginning of your quest to undue your stress, unless you’re super courageous, but if you’re like me, it takes time first to recognize who is actually bringing you down, why you’ve chosen to be around these people to begin with, and then what to do about it. Just know that the sooner you start to notice this, the quicker the universe already puts the wheels in motion to bring new people into your life that will definitely only lift you higher.

9. Find a cause

Find a cause that motivates you to help make a change in the world. Perhaps there is a charity which you always felt yourself drawn to or may have even volunteered for in the past. Make a commitment to devote some of your time to a worthy cause and give back to the community.

10. Relax, it’s only life.

Don’t take things so seriously. Laugh as much as you can! Play! When we’re adults, sometimes we forget to play and or we think we shouldn’t be wasting time on play when the opposite is true – PLAY PLAY PLAY! That’s where our true joy stems from, the most innocent part of who we are, our inner child that’s so excited about life and all its blessings!


Patricia Grace Tomasi is an Energy Therapist, certified in Reiki, Chakra Healing, and Life Coaching.
Visit her website at: 


Remember, you are not ordinary, you are divinely unique.

You are WOW (Wonderful One-of-a-kind Woman)!

w(H)olistically Yours,

 Whole Woman Network

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