Archive | November 2023

90-Day Challenge: Healthy Eating Tips Towards a Healthier Life!

English: This image shows a display of healthy...

Last month, Whole Woman Network had one of its seminar series hosted by Lorraine Powell, Certified Personal Chef and Cooking School Co-ordinator at Loblaws Great Foods. The guest speaker was Rowena, a registered dietician and in store nutritionist for Loblaws Great Foods. For those of you who missed this fun and insightful meet-up, here are some simple  tips and ideas she shared with the group on forming Healthy Eating Habits towards a Healthier Life:

HealthyEating #1: Having Coffee on an empty stomach is NOT a good idea!

HealthyEating #2: Do you love Peanut Butter? Choose those made with All Natural Roasted Peanuts. Also try SunFlower/ HazelNut/Avocado Butter!

HealthyEating #3: Want a good source of Probiotic to keep your digestive track super healthy? Try KEFIR (Tip: Mix 3 tsp w 1 cup of yoghurt)

HealthyEating #4: Your body needs at least 1500mg of OMEGA-3 (It is great for the optimal development of  brain, helps boost skin radiance and also helps to lower cholesterol). Wild salmon and fish oil are great sources!

HealthyEating #5: Did you know that women in the 40 – 65 years age demographic (pretty much the age bracket of most WWN members), need at least 25g of fibres per day? Where are you getting your fibre from?

HealthyEating #6: Why should you consider Quinoa as part of your diet? Its 100% proteins and gives the same full feeling as eating white carbohydrates! A good alternative is Breadfruit (Ukwa).

HealthyEating #7: Looking for something crunchy and healthy 2 snack on? Try Celery Sticks! some fun tidbit: Celery’s almost 100% fibre!

HealthyEating #8: Some healthy cereal options – Barbara’s PUFFINS (Original/Cinnamon flavors) and All Bran Flakes (Mix it up with All Bran Sticks).

HealthyEating #9: Want to lose or maintain your weight? Then each serving of cereal you eat should have less than 6g of sugar.

HealthyEating #10: Best Tip for today – Get yourself some Kale. You may steam it, eat it uncooked (salad) or as Kale chips (baked with a dash of olive oil).

HealthyEating #11: Did you know that even though KALE has similar anti-oxidants content as most veggies, it has the advantage of also having MORE calcium.

HealthyEating #12: A high fibre breakfast is a great and healthy way to kick start your day!

HealthyEating #13: Interested in weight management? Then make it a habit to have your breakfast within 30-45 mins of waking up.

HealthyEating #14: A healthy alternative to regular noodles? Try SHIRATAKI noodles (Found in most asian/organic grocery stores).

#HealthyEating #15: Still thinking of other fun and healthier alternatives? Instead of White Rice try Quinoa; instead of Spaghetti try Spaghetti Squash.

#HealthyEating #16: Did you know that 2 teaspoons of sugar = Approx 2 slices of bread?

HealthyEating #17: In order of Healthiest to least healthiest breads: 1) Whole Grain (Best option) 2) Multi Grain 3) Whole Wheat 4) White Bread!

HealthyEating #18: One of the healthiest whole grain bread choice is the Stone milled bread variety.

HealthyEating #19: A good guide to healthy eating? Try to eat foods with more colours-the more vibrant the better! Think tomatoes, red peppers, blue berries, celery, carrots etc Avoid too much ‘Whites’ because they are high in carbs and pretty much turn into sugars.

HealthyEating #20: Too much of everything is bad. For example, too much watermelon is NOT a good for your body because of the sugar content.

Beyond and above these great tips and ideas shared by Rowena, here are some practical guiding principles on Holistic Health & Weight Management as espoused by the wonderful women of WWN community:

➤ Learn to love who you are now and who you are dreaming of becoming;

➤ Incorporate a physical activity or exercise routine at home, or a number of routines at the gym;

➤ As best as you can, avoid eating late into the night, and always have a healthy snack(s) handy to assuage hunger pangs in between meals;

➤ Practice mindful grocery shopping, mindful eating and mindful resting i.e. be aware of what, when, where and how you eat. Be present! Make it a fun, thankful, celebratory, meaningful, sensual and spiritually-conscious exercise;

➤ Have clarity about your WHY! Why do you want to be healthy? Find the connections between your reasons and your bigger purpose, passions and path in life;

➤  Then, articulate and write down the little steps you will take to achieve your goals (WWN Coaching Program, “90-Day to a Healthier, Happier, Sexier, Wealthier, Whole YOU” includes a Quantum Goal Setting and Goal Getting session with a professional coach);

➤ Get together with people that share your goals and be accountable to each other. Celebrate all your wins, small and big and reward yourselves for taking aligned, consistent and positive ACTIONS;

➤ Take baby steps, the idea here is not to change overnight or go on a crash diet but rather to gradually ease into healthier lifestyle one day at a time;

➤ Do NOT diet. It never works in the long-term and may even make the situation worse. Look at the first three letter of the word (Die)t. Get the clue? Focus more on behavioural and lifestyle changes, take it a day at a time.

Ladies, at Whole Woman Network, your dress sizes are not S(small), M(medium), L(large) or XL(extra large). Your authentic selves are sized: S(sexy/sensual), M(magnificent/majestic), L (luscious/lovely), XL (extra ‘look-at-me-i’m gorgeous’)! Take your pick!

Our next 90-Day Coaching Program kicks off on January 2, 2024. Subscribe to WWN Blog to receive notifications for registration. Fee: $597.00 (For Members) and $997 (For Non-Members). Congratulations to all participants of the cureent 90-Day Coaching Program (October 1 to December 31)!


You are WOW! (Wonderful One-of-a-kind Woman)!

w(H)olistically Yours,

© Whole Woman Network