Archive | July 2011

Inspirational Words by Goethe…

There are words that simply burn in our consciousness and succinctly define who we are and help us make a little sense of our journey in this maze called life.

Here’s a quote by Goethe that I find truly inspiring.  Personally, I think it speaks to the image of God in each and everyone of us. We simply ARE, just as God is the I AM. Enjoy the quote and read it with a sincere spirit of humility at the awesomeness of God that he gave us such amazing powers- to be co-heirs of the kingdom. So what’s your favourite quote(s)?



“I have come to the frightening conclusion that I AM the decisive element.

It is my personal approach that creates the climate.

It is my daily mood that makes the weather.

I possess tremendous power to make life miserable or joyous.

I can be a tool of torture or an instrument of inspiration.

I can humiliate or humor; hurt or heal.

In all situations, it is my response that determines whether a crisis

is escalated or de-escalated, and a person is humanized and dehumanized.

If we treat people as they are, we make them worse.

If we treat people as they ought to be,

we help them become what they are capable of becoming”.



Remember, you are not ordinary, you are divinely unique.

You are WOW (Wonderful One-of-a-kind Woman)!

w(H)olistically Yours,


The power of ‘I AM’ statements….

Someone recently asked me the difference between and ‘I AM’ statement and making a goal list or new year resolutions.

Let me just say that the first time I came across the expression ‘I AM’ was in the bible and it is one of the most profound, insightful description of God, in my humble opinion. So back to the question.

Remember how each year we all make new year resolutions and then work hard to break all of them? Lol. Well, the reason they never seem to work, at least for me, is that resolutions are future states, ideals, goals, aspirations,,, you hope to achieve.

That is basically how the mind works. It hopes, it dreams, it aspires ….and then it finds reasons, excuses and limitations that stops those aspirations from happening. These excuses sound, feel or look familiar to you: no money, no time, no energy, no talent, to education, I am unlovable, unfulfilled, unworthy etc

Basically, these goals that were never achieved, always seemed to be made from a place of ‘unworthiness’, with deeply unconscious programs running in the background, which are often at variance to the goal.

So let’s switch this, I started considering making those same goals from a place of ‘Wholeness’. The premise is of course that we are neither fractured nor broken, rather we are magnificent, whole and complete.

We simply need reminders of who we really are: beloved children of a loving God. We are love. We are enough, we have enough and should we seek or want more, we are blessed with he unique talents, abilities, resources and relationships/networks to co-create it.

In the dimension of Agape, YOU are one with God and so YOU simply ARE! Just as God’s state is ‘ I AM’ so is your state. Your past, present, future…IS. So, resolutions are replaced by ‘I AM’ statements.

The beauty of the ‘I AM’ is that you already ARE! You are created in HIS image and likeness, believe it or not! So, you are always constantly in the awareness of being. You are always living in the NOW. Embrace the awesome being trapped within. This is the time for finally being YOU that is one with God, our creator and father.!

So, I no longer do New Year’s Resolutions. Rather, I restate, revise and rewrite my I AM statements and I always remember that the beauty of the ‘I AM’ is that I already AM.

For the rest of the New Year and beyond:

I AM  a cherished child of God;

I AM a beloved daughter of my parents;

I AM an adored wife;

I AM a loving mother;

I AM a loyal and caring sibling;

I AM the best friend a friend can ask for;

I AM my brothers’ keeper- A stranger’s solace;

I AM a loving and non-judgemental in-law;

I AM a light of positivity, passion and purpose;

I AM adding value to everyone I meet;

I AM celebrating the lives and success of others;

I AM celebrating others with pictures, gifts and the written word;

I AM attracting the right people and opportunities into my life;

I AM worthy of love- I am willingly giving and receiving love;

I AM a magnet for success and joy;

I AM always acting on my promptings-that voice that speaks softly in the stillness of my soul;

I AM making a difference ONLINE and OFFLINE by inspiring and changing lives;

I AM living the reality of the laws of Attraction, Abundance and Agape love;

I AM living a life of beauty, boldness and balance;

I AM travelling to new places and meeting amazing people;

I AM exploring my world;

I AM empowering myself and everyone around me;

I AM discovering new worlds;

I AM making life happen and not letting life happen to me;

I AM the woman I was born to be;

I AM in touch with my core;

I AM spiritually centred;

I AM the light;

I AM the calm in the midst of life’s storms;

I AM spreading the gospel of love and acceptance;

I AM always ONLINE with God;

I AM the most cherished of God’s creatures;

I AM the vessel bearing the message;

I AM one with the message;


Remember, you are not ordinary, you are divinely unique.

You are WOW (Wonderful One-of-a-kind Woman)!

w(H)olistically Yours,

Whole Woman Network


Blogger Bio:

The preceding is a guest post from Juliet Ume, MBA –Strategic Interventionist, Wealth Management Consultant & Leadership-Coach at Whole Woman Network. Juliet is the author of the upcoming book: “UN-Locking Your HeArt of Leadership.” She is an avid Life Connoisseur and a passionate advocate of WomEntrepreneurship, Leadership Training, Investment & Financial Literacy for women. Her mission is simply to engage, educate and empower women, regardless of their levels of income or background, to return to ‘wholeness’ and live Healthier, Sexier, Wealthier Lives using Faith-based, Scientific and Universal (Common-Sense) principles! Follow her on Twitter: @wholewomaninc, @julietumeinc.

Happy ‘rest of the year’!

Hello again! Happy ‘rest of the year’ to everyone reading this. I know we’re in July and so far from the traditional January 1st new year day. However, there’s an Igbo saying that roughly translates to mean: ‘ Your life only starts any day you have a life-changing epiphany, so whenever you wake up, is your morning- that is your new year or new day’.. I have had such a day and so for me, this July, 2011, is a beautiful time to start anew and leave the old things in the past where they belong.

Here’s my prayer for myself and for all of you who get to read this:

-May the rest of 2011 be filled with an abundance of love.

-May God’s love-the Agape kind, be all around you and guide you on his path for the whole year and beyond!

-May you allow yourselves to willingly give and receive love.

-May you have excellent health and vigour to pursue your passions without fear or limitations. May you be the commander of your life under God’s direction.

-May you live passionately, purely and positively!

-May you finally unleash the abundance that is within you….A lone small bud waiting to be planted and watered by your decision to start living in the light.

-May you attract what you are. You ARE what you feel and say and act, consistently and passionately. Above and beyond all, YOU are a child of God!

You have the power to change your destiny. God blesses your passions and purpose because he put that in you. He made you for that purpose. His wish for you is that you drown the noise and pursue with singular devotion, the purpose for which you were made. Let go of the anger, the hurts, the pains, the angst, the anxiety….YOU have the power of choice, be courageous-choose to let them all go. Your mind will try to make you hang on to them because it is a comfortable place to be. Acknowledge your mind’s point of view, say ‘thank you’ and ACT according to what you truly, really want.

Stop the blame game. It never did any good in the past, it won’t do any good now. What you settled for in life based on your feelings of fear and pain is crippling the creative room for great things in your life. Try something new; Try acting inspite of your fear, try smiling instead of frowning, try acceptance instead of judgement, try faith instead of despair, try gratitude instead of complaints, try taking a vacation without actually travelling, try getting to know YOU; try actually having your own opinion; try respecting other people’s opinion; try loving solitude; try doing absolutely nothing; try falling in love with yourself; try basking in the sunlight, try playing in the snow, try dancing in the rain….try, try, try, please try something new!

Live passionately and you will find your destiny! Your passion is your destiny.
Live purely and you will become one with the message! Your message is your purpose.
Live positively and you will ignite the fire that burns silently in others. Your positivity is your magnet.
Imagine for a moment that you had no constraints….what would your life be like? That, my sisters and brothers, is the life you should start living. Constraints are the lies your mind tells your spirit to protect the capacity of the mind.

You are greater than your mind. There is a dimension to you that is untouchable, unquenchable, unstoppable. That dimension is the God-created part of you. Do not let the world tell you any different. Life should not be a weary, wasteful sojourn.

Life is an exciting, passionate, fulfilling adventure! Start living your life, period! Not your parents’, childrens’, siblings’, spouses’,  pastors’, society’s ….versions of YOUR life. We are now caught up in a quagmire of expectations, immitations, copycatisms and blind followerships…seek God’s version of your life and all else will fall in place. Be a leader. Lead yourself now! Lead yourself first! Lead yourself well! Light your fire and the whole world becomes illuminated by your light!


Remember, you are not ordinary, you are divinely unique.

You are WOW (Wonderful One-of-a-kind Woman)!

w(H)olistically Yours,
