Archive | November 2013

DAY 30: Take ACTION and Transform Your Life!

words of affirmation joel osteen quotes whole woman network

WWN Reflection DAY 30: Take ACTION and Transform Your Life!

This blog post is the second part of a 2-part series on the key highlights from ‘A Night of Hope’, an inspirational  live event of worship and celebration, by bestselling author and transformational pastor, Joel Osteen.

(Refer to the first part by clicking this link: Day 29: Take ACTION and Transform Your Life!)

Some of the highlights of Joel and Victoria’s messages of hope, transformation and purpose (PART II):

1. Our first mission field is to our families. Everything flows from the family. Value your relationships. Agree to disagree respectfully. Everyone has different backgrounds, education, upbringing, belief system etc., so learn to accept and respect one another. Pick your fights. Know what’s worth fighting about and what to let go. Sometimes you have to keep your mouth shut and sow that act of compromise as a seed.

2. In life you’ve got to stand up and fight for what you want. Live a life of FAITH in action and focus on touching one life at a time. Everyday is an opportunity to do something different and better!

self talk3. In pursuing your purpose in life, it is not how you start, it is how you finish. Take a step and tell yourself empowering stories. If the inner conversation is not taking you towards your goals, have a different conversation with yourself and make it louder!

4. Are you going to go forward or will you stay stuck staring behind through your rear view mirror? Let go and forgive all of yesterday’s pain. God made you to be free of excess baggage. His promise is to always make your burden lighter.

5. In life there are two types of bags that you get to carry around. It is either one or the other. The first is the special positive bag filled with joy, thanksgiving and service etc.

While the other is the negative bag. Are you dragging around all the negative baggage from your past with you in the present? Which bag do you carry: Disappointment bag, Hurt bag, Regret bag, Anger bag, Bitter bag? Isn’t time to let go and let GOD?

someone who adds little6. Manage your happiness by managing your expectation, your sense of happiness is a choice. You have control over the type of relationships you wish to co-create.

Only what you allow happens. Love yourself enough to honour God in you by giving and asking for the best. treat yourself with respect.

7. Speak words of faith and affirmation to any difficult situation and then take action in line with your words.

“The tragedy of life is not death but what we let die inside of us while we live.” ~Norman Cousins~

Disclaimer: The highlights above are based on personal notes and understanding of Joel and Victoria Osteen’s messages. No intentional omission or error is intended. I hope something on this list resonates and plants an active seed in your life.

Have an abundantly blessed day and an awesome life ahead!

-Juliet ‘Kego Ume-Onyido, MBA

Poet | Master-Certified Leadership Coach-Trainer -Consultant|

~Take empowered ACTION towards a Healthier, Sexier, Wealthier YOU!~


Blogger Bio:

FB PIC High RezThe preceding is a guest post from Juliet Ume, MBA –Co-Founder and Executive Director at Whole Woman Network. Juliet is the author of the upcoming books: “UN-Locking Your HeArt of Leadership”  and “Today, I Will Not Bow”.  A self-described Life-Connoisseur, who loves life and the whole human experience, Juliet was nicknamed a ‘reminderist’,  [one who reminds us of that which we already know; that we are not fractured or broken and NOW is the perfect time to replace that fallacy with a new, beautiful truth: we are worthy, empowered, complete, whole creatures and our life journey is to return to wholeness]!

She is a passionate advocate of WomEntrepreneurship, Leadership, Investment & Financial Literacy for women and youth (especially girls). Her mission is simply to engage, educate and empower women, regardless of their levels of income or background, to return to ‘wholeness’ and live Healthier, Sexier, Wealthier Lives using Faith-based, Scientific and Universal (Common-Sense) principles! Follow her on Twitter: @wholewomaninc, @julietumeinc. Enjoy some of her portfolio of poems on her Floetry Blog and follow her daily reflective posts on Facebook.

Her message is simply: “To use the power of written-spoken-sung WORDS to connect, heal, empower, change and transform our inner and outer worlds. Words have power in the meaning and interpretation we choose to give them and all of life is synchronistic poetry in motion! Are you telling empowering stories about yourself and others?” 

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DAY 29: Take ACTION and Transform Your Life!

joel osteen attitude

WWN Reflection DAY 29: Take ACTION and Transform Your Life!

Today’s reflection is on the power of manifestation.

At the beginning of the new year, I wrote down my ‘I AM’ statements.

(Note, these are not the same as new year resolutions. Please refer to this previous post for more on the ‘I AM statements:

One of the many 50 statements that I wrote down was: “In 2014, I AM attending a live event of inspirational worship and celebration by bestselling author and pastor Joel Osteen.”

Then, I simply stood in the flow gratitude and acceptance of allowing this statement to manifest and it did happen!

Well, fast forward to a few months ago, when randomly, a friend of mine called me up excitedly to tell me the great new: Joel and Victoria Osteen were coming to Toronto for an evening of worship, music and motivation. The sad news was it was happening that night, intact 3 hours from the time she called me!

The event was tagged: ‘A Night of Hope.’ First I made the conscious decision and voiced it out and wrote it down: ‘I AM attending this event tonight.’ 

And I held on to the hope that even though we were informed about this so late, there was still hope that our creator of midnight hours and crossover miracles would come to our rescue:-) After a frantic search online for any available, last minute ticket(s), a few phone calls to sort out babysitting, we were soon both Air Canada Centre, ACC-bound!

It was a life-affirming day for me because even though the messages may not be new, Joel  and victoria shared them with such authenticity and power that it resonated and stayed with me till today. The energy that filled ACC dome was deeply moving and so incredible!

Apparently, I was not the only one who took copious notes. My friend had also sent me an email which contained her biggest take-aways from that evening. So we both collated our list of highlights and though we’d share, so here it goes! P.S: It would be done in a two-part series, so look out for part two tomorrow.

negative people joel osteen quote whole woman networkSome of the highlights of Joel and Victoria’s messages of hope, transformation and purpose (PART I):

1. Let everyday be a new beginning for you. Forgive yourself and let go of the feelings of guilt and condemnation. Don’t sit on the sidelines of life, get back in the game and play at 100%!

2. God never allows you to experience difficulties without a divine purpose. Use your faith not to pray away difficulties but rather, surrender and allow the storm to lead you exactly where you should go.

3. Quit fighting back, relinquish control, surrender, so that God’s will may be done. Trust him and know that your storms are not a surprise to him. Burn up the limiting beliefs and shake off the self-pity!

speak victory not defeat joel osteen quote whole woman network4. You would not have been given a destiny without being equipped and empowered by God to fulfill it.

Each day is a step forward towards your purpose and destiny. Start the day how you want the day to be. Set very clear intentions and be in tune with your attention.

Be grateful everyday for the gifts of life and love. Shake off the bad ‘stuff’ by changing your internal recording and inner movie. Learn to change your dial/channels!

5. Affirm daily who you are1 Your ‘I AM’ statements are very powerful; ‘I am creative, I am fun, I am strong, I am healthy, I am wealthy, I am magnificent, I am a masterpiece.’ Indeed, you are God’s masterpiece, equipped, approved, blessed, forgiven, NOT average, not mediocre!

waiting with joy6. Stop the self-abuse and self-flagellation! You have enough people against you, you don’t have to be against yourself.

There are lots of negative thoughts AND comments, from people that you have to ignore. Know how to take the learnings and corrections in criticism without attaching yourself to the negativity of its sting.

You only have so much emotional energy each day. There are even some family members and ‘friends’  that you may have to sometimes distance yourself from.

7. Unforgiveness is like a poison inside you, Release yourself and release people. Write letters to everyone who’s ever hurt ou and who you’ve ever hurt. Do anything you can to help yourself. Know who you are and whose you are; victors and not victims!

8. Are you still tied to the victim mentality? Are you still choosing to be married to your pain?

You CANNOT drag your baggage of pain over and over again, let it go! dream another dream.

Quit thinking about it. Change the channel. Quit reliving negative memories. When you play negative movies in your mind, you will only feel negative emotions.

Be disciplined in your thoughts. Think only pure thoughts, start changing the channels of your thoughts.

9. How you tell your stories of your wound matters. When you tell it, do you tell it from an empowered place, knowing the wound is already healed or when you talk about it, are you still stuck in the drama of reliving the pain?

Beautiful10. Beauty for ashes! You have to decide and let go of the ashes before you can see and receive the beauty.

It is an act of faith-let go of the pain and the blame. Do not live life looking in your rear view mirrors.

11. Seasons come and seasons go. A season of mourning does not equate to a LIFETIME of mourning!

Shake off the pain of the past. Strain towards what lies ahead. The past is dead and gone, we can choose to be like the mountain climber, who cut of his infected arm so that he may live. Stop rehearsing and rehashing your old pains.


P.S: Here’s the link for the concluding part of this post: Key Highlights of Joel Osteen’s messages of Hope, Transformation and Purpose (PART II).

Disclaimer: The highlights above are based on personal notes and understanding of Joel and Victoria Osteen’s messages. No intentional omission or error is intended. I hope something on this list resonates and plants an active seed in your life.

Have an abundantly blessed day and an awesome life ahead! ❤

-Juliet ‘Kego Ume-Onyido, MBA

Poet | Master-Certified Leadership Coach-Trainer -Consultant|

~Take empowered ACTION towards a Healthier, Sexier, Wealthier YOU!~


Blogger Bio:

FB PIC High RezThe preceding is a guest post from Juliet Ume, MBA –Co-Founder and Executive Director at Whole Woman Network. Juliet is the author of the upcoming books: “UN-Locking Your HeArt of Leadership”  and “Today, I Will Not Bow”.  A self-described Life-Connoisseur, who loves life and the whole human experience, Juliet was nicknamed a ‘reminderist’,  [one who reminds us of that which we already know; that we are not fractured or broken and NOW is the perfect time to replace that fallacy with a new, beautiful truth: we are worthy, empowered, complete, whole creatures and our life journey is to return to wholeness]!

She is a passionate advocate of WomEntrepreneurship, Leadership, Investment & Financial Literacy for women and youth (especially girls). Her mission is simply to engage, educate and empower women, regardless of their levels of income or background, to return to ‘wholeness’ and live Healthier, Sexier, Wealthier Lives using Faith-based, Scientific and Universal (Common-Sense) principles! Follow her on Twitter: @wholewomaninc, @julietumeinc. Enjoy some of her portfolio of poems on her Floetry Blog and follow her daily reflective posts on Facebook.

Her message is simply: “To use the power of written-spoken-sung WORDS to connect, heal, empower, change and transform our inner and outer worlds. Words have power in the meaning and interpretation we choose to give them and all of life is synchronistic poetry in motion! Are you telling empowering stories about yourself and others?”