What’s on your ‘fun’ list for 2013?

“The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.”

~Eleanor Roosevelt~

Bucket List [Definition]: A number of experiences or achievements that a person hopes to have or accomplish during their lifetime. (Source: oxforddictionaries.com)

With every new year many people make resolutions, goals, bucket lists of things they hope to accomplish. A lot of these are serious, life-changing, deep and meaningful things they’ve always dreamed of achieving. However, at WWN we wanted to put a different spin on it. We are aware that as women we’re all so busy taking care of everyone around us and hardly ever have time or energy to put ourselves on any ‘to do’ list. So this blog post is about treating yourself to some fun, exciting and enjoyable adventures. Our question for you is simply: ‘What’s on your ‘fun’ list for the year?’

Film poster for The Bucket List - Copyright 20...

Film poster for The Bucket List – Copyright 2007, Warner Bros. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Here are some ideas to get creative your juices going:

1. Go on vacation to places you’d never ordinarily visit. Tour different lands with interesting histories/cultures and meet diverse people. Make sure your travels tell a story worth sharing with your grandchildren. Examples: visiting all the countries in Africa, back-packing through Europe, visiting the home countries of your top three heroes etc

2. Learn a new style of dance (preferably in a group or with a partner) and have a choreographed dance routine/recital for your friends and family at the end of your sessions.

3. Do something that scares the life out of you but also guarantees a good rush of adrenaline such as bungee-jumping, hiking up a mountain, running a marathon, camping, learning how to fly, telling off negative people in your life etc

4. Collaborate with others and start a fun and exciting campaign on any of the social media platforms (Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, etc) on a burning topic that you’re very passionate about!

5. Get together with some friends, your alumni group, colleagues or family members and have a themed-costume party, reunion or ball (remember to donate a portion of the proceeds to charity or a worthy cause, if applicable).

6. Go on a fun spiritual retreat. Journey into a new awakening of your inner self, your essence and your soul.

7. Have a full-wardrobe and make-up make-over. Do the whole works; hire a personal stylist/image consultant, clear out your old wardrobe, pamper yourself with a weekend-long spa treatment and transform your image.

8. Go for some wonderful live events at home or abroad, such as a tv show, comedy, jazz or movie festival. Or attend a music concert/show by your favourite artiste(s).

9. Learn a new skill. Think of all the wonderful stuff you’ve always wanted to do when you had enough time, enough money or enough courage such as: baking/cooking, writing, learning a new language, swimming or starting an exciting new business.

10. Take risks with all your relationships, shake them up a bit and ask for exactly what you want out of them. Take the time to create the memories you’ll cherish forever by doing fun, sensual and sacred activities together.

As you make your list make sure you actually get to do as many things on it as possible. You only live but once, give it your best shot and make it your duty to enjoy the heck out of life! Remember to send us postcards as you embark on your many, wonderful adventures!

P.S: If you haven’t done so already, watch ‘The Bucket-List’, a fantastic, funny and insightful movie starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman.

Live beautifully, live passionately, live freely.


Remember, you are not ordinary, you are divinely unique.

You are WOW (Wonderful One-of-a-kind Woman)!

w(H)olistically Yours,

Whole Woman Network


The preceding is a guest post from Juliet Ume, MBA –Wealth Management Consultant & Lifestyle Coach at Whole Woman Network. Juliet is an avid Life Connoisseur and a passionate advocate of WomEntrepreneurship, Investment & Financial Literacy for women. Her mission is simply to engage women to return to ‘wholeness’ and live Healthier, Sexier, Wealthier Lives! Follow her on Twitter: @wholewomaninc

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