Kick off the New Year with a “90-Day Challenge to a Healthier, Sexier, Wealthier YOU!”

“Take the first step, and your mind will mobilize all its forces to your aid. But the first essential thing is that you begin. Once the battle is started, all that is within and outside you will come to your assistance.” ~Robert Collier~

2013 is finally here, a brand New Year !!! From all of us at Whole Woman Network Worldwide, we wish you all a very Joyous and amazing New Year. May you have the best of Health, Opportunities, Memories, Abundance and Love. Thank you for your support, love and participation in our various programs in the past year. Our growth and success would not be possible without you. We appreciate each and every one of you spread across Canada, USA, UK, Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, Jamaica, South Africa…..

Happy New Year

In line with our mission at Whole Woman Network to act as catalysts and motivate women of colour around the world with a compelling call to action, we invite you to participate in our first challenge for the year.

Let’s start off by asking these questions: What is your W.O.W? That is, What are you ‘willing to change in one week’ to get your life on track? What area of your life do you wish to improve the most? What area would have the most impact on all other areas of your life? Health? Relationship? Career/Business, Finances? Spirituality? Physical? Socio-Emotional? Map out your 2013, take action and join WWN’s ’90-Day Challenge to a Healthier, Sexier, Wealthier You.’ Let’s share strategies, action-steps, principles and tips on holistic living.  Our 90-Day Program is a common-sense and holistic approach to taking control of your Health, Image, Finances and Relationships…At the core are principles of ‘Self-Love and Self-Accountability.’ Start your New Year with the right attitude!                                                                                                               

You will need the following:

1. A Sense of Commitment & Positive Attitude; 2. A Piggy-bank; 3. A Body-Weight & Food Scale 4. A Daily Journal; 5. A Measuring Tape.

Over the next 90 days (from January 1 to March 31st, 2013), we will work together as a community to achieve our individual/collective goals of Healthier, Sexier, Wealthier lives. (This challenge is open to all members, in North America and those resident Internationally).

Your Next Steps:

Step 1: Send us an email to:  with the Subject: WWN 90-Day Challenge. The body of the email should have: Your name, phone number, mailing address and why you want to participate (the first 5 people to RSVP get a FREE gift!!)

Step 2: You receive a confirmation email from Whole Woman Network with a Letter of Engagement detailing your agreement to the commitment required for the 90-Day Challenge. Participants also get added to WWN’S confidential FB Forum for group discussions.

Step 3: Schedule a one-on-one meeting with a WWN Life-Coach to set your S.M.A.R.T goals and expectations.

See below for some  key highlights  of the challenge. 

Each participant receives (For those resident in Canada only):

-A complimentary visit to a Nutritionist/Dietwwn logoitian (Chosen by WWN);

-Free WWN branded Tee-shirt for the daily work out sessions;

-A Free WWN-branded daily journal to track your progress;

-Free 1-hour consulting session with a make-up/image/style expert;

-Free attendance of an interactive financial literacy workshop on any topic of interest: investment, debt management, insurance etc;

-A free inspiring book on any of the following areas: women’s health, beauty or wealth management;

-Daily life-transforming tips and coaching nuggets and a network of support from a diverse community of like-minded women;

-A celebratory wrap-up lunch at the end of the 90-Day Challenge with lots of prizes , great networking….And much more!

So ladies, the ball is in your court. Do you really desire a healthier, sexier, wealthier life in 2013 and beyond? Then, take the FIRST step today and say ‘hello’ to the best version of you!!

A huge thank you to the various Subject Matter Experts and partners for sharing their resources. Also, our gratitude to the sponsors  of the ’90-Day Challenge’ for donating  the wonderful prizes and gifts.

Live beautifully, live passionately, live freely.


Remember, you are not ordinary, you are divinely unique.

You are WOW (Wonderful One-of-a-kind Woman)!

w(H)olistically Yours,

Whole Woman Network

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