Tag Archive | Coaching

My Prayers For You in the New Year!

today“Begin today to BE who you’ve always wanted to BECOME, for tomorrow, you would wish you had started yesterday and then again, tomorrow may well be too late.” ~Anonymous~

My prayers for you this year: Make this be the year you take personal RESPONSIBILITY for BOTH your awesomeness and your crap! (What is your ability to RESPOND to whatever life throws at you?) If it’s showing up in your physical universe, you created it, (consciously or Unconsciously). You are a CO-CREATOR with God, OWN it! Make 2014 your year of boldness and courage.

Become more RESILIENT, you’re made of stronger and sterner stuff! Stop blaming, justifying, excusing the sh*t in your life by pointing fingers outwards. Everything is possible, period! Enter the co-creative zone and ask yourself: How can it be done? Who and what are the resources I have? Reach out and form synergies with others. Stop judging, and start accepting and empathizing. It’s life, we’re all basically going through the same challenges, they just show up in different colours.

You are a reflection of everyone around you, learn from others. Embrace your humanity and celebrate your divinity. It’s all YOU! Look inwards, you have the power to reset your internal thermostat in all areas of your life: energetic, social, physical, spiritual, mental, emotional, financial…

Stop playing the compare and contrast game. That is the basis of ALL unhappiness. Your name is not ‘EVERYBODY’. You are a unique BEING, with unique values and beliefs. You are a beloved child of a loving God, live it! You have the power of choice, exercise it and be accountable for your actions and (in)actions!

Nobody’s doing anything to you that you did not first do to yourself. Build a bullet-proof, rock solid relationship with your CREATOR. Get out of the prison of the generation that accepts: “My PASTOR SAID”, “MY ENEMIES ARE AFTER ME”, “I HAVE SUFFERED”, “THE LEADERS ARE TO BLAME”,…Become more involved in your own life.
Pleeease, a KING died for YOU! Not a hair on your head can be touched without his express permission. Why choose to be part of a generation that craves entitlement without responsibility? Take ownership of your life, it’s yours after all!

Stop perpetuating the myth of old, healed pains of the past as if they were still real. Tell yourself EMPOWERING stories and move on. Yes, decide to move on. Let TIME do what it does best: heal. Ask yourself who benefits when you refuse to own your magnificence? Who does it serve when you choose to stay stuck and refuse to be yourself? What are you permitting and settling for as ‘truth’ in your life? What are you accepting into your life? You get to DECIDE! Be kind and gentle, yet have healthy boundaries. Claim Wisdom as a best friend. Surrender to her, she’ll guide you well. Embrace the gift of eloquent SILENCE. It is the zone of beautiful creativity and growth!

Know yourself! You are always changing and growing and evolving. Re-introduce your new self to you and others around. Fall deeply, passionately, totally in love with you! Until you really know, accept, forgive and love yourself, no one else can! Understand and embrace your passions, pains, weaknesses and strength. The mystery to love is that it is complete in itself. It exists, even without an object of affection. Know this kind of love in your lifetime, it’s already yours.

We are drawn to others not only because of shared passions but also because of our unhealed pains. If you are in someone’s life or vice versa, then there’s a unique purpose and reason why. No one’s role is to complete you, stop setting people up for a fall! We are all here to heal, create, share, love and bear witness to one another, of HIS amazing grace. Know when to hold on and fight for love, also know when to let go and set love free. Celebrate finding love and celebrate also getting your heart-broken. For a heart that loves is a heart that is full and a heart that is broken, is a heart that is open, ready, willing and strong enough to love fully and completely.

Move over from the ‘woe me’ quadrant, into the ‘WOW ME’ zone. Fill your cup so that you can better serve others around you. It is SELFISH to keep playing the role of ‘VICTIM’ when you know deep down that you’ve been made VICTORIOUS by God’s abiding grace. And make every moment of your time in life, (even on social media), well worth it. If you’re not growing, you’re dying. Choose LIFE, and live passionately, purposefully and powerfully. DECIDE and Choose to have a wonderful New Year!

Join the conversation on our Facebook Pagewww.facebook.com/wholewomannetwork

Take the next steps. Interested in booking a 30-minutes complimentary Strategy Session? Need more information on WWN’s individual/group/organizational training, coaching, speaking engagements, or leadership certification programs, contact us via email: info@wholewomannetwork.com or call +1.905.709.5866

Note: For Strategy Sessions, we’re now fully booked for the Months of January and February, the next available date for appointments is from March 10th, 2014.


The preceding is a guest post from Juliet Ume, MBA –Strategic Interventionist, Wealth Management Consultant & Leadership-Coach at Whole Woman Network. Juliet is the author of the upcoming book: ‘UN-Locking Your HeArt of Leadership.” She is an avid Life Connoisseur and a passionate advocate of WomEntrepreneurship, Leadership Training, Investment & Financial Literacy for women. Her mission is simply to engage, educate and empower women (and men), regardless of their levels of income or background, to return to ‘wholeness’ and live Healthier, Sexier, Wealthier Lives using Faith-based, Scientific and Universal (Common-Sense) principles! Follow her on Twitter: @wholewomaninc, @julietumeinc


10 Little Things that can make a Big Difference in your life in 2014!

Ghandi“Personal transformation can and does have global effects. As we grow, so does the world, for the world is us. The revolution that will save the world is ultimately a personal one.” ~Marianne Williamson~

“As we prepare for a new year, take the time to fall madly, deeply and passionately in love, with yourself! Re-discover yourself as you truly are: a beloved child of a loving God.

This is the season of Re-Birth and New Beginnings. A KING was born to and for you! You are that special and wonderful! OWN your magnificence. NEVER let the outside world strip you of your essence and dignity.

YOU are a precious gift to the world. Live passionately, purposefully and powerfully. Dream wonderful dreams and create beautiful memories…” ~#UNLockingYourHeArtofLeadership~

Just a few more days to go and the New Year will unveil itself! What are your goals, dreams and aspirations for 2014? Forget about mere ‘resolutions’, begin to make ‘Sacred Contracts’ with yourself. What do you desire to achieve by December 31st, 2014? WHO do you want to be by the end of next year? Begin to BE that person from this moment.

Napoleon HillStarting NOW, speak it as if it were already done. Step out in FAITH and walk your talk. God opens up the universe with the right people and opportunities once we KNOCK and ASK, and actually stand in the firm expectation that the door will be OPENED and you will RECEIVE. Surrender and Allow yourself to soar!

Here are some ‘little’ things that if you imbibe and practice, will transform your life in 2014:

1. Accept that you can never please everyone, stop trying to, period! Practice the habit of saying an empowered ‘YES’ or ‘NO’ when appropriate (rather than acquiescing to everything from everyone based on your own fears of insecurity, judgement, unworthiness or societal pressure). Build up healthy boundaries, you will enjoy your life better that way.

2. Stop comparing yourself to others because all you can ever be is you, duh? The compare and contrast game  drains you and leaves you bereft of the creative energy to be the best you possible!

3. Let go of the past, stop worrying about the future and live the heck out of the present moment! You can only do so much, choose the path you have the most control over. Choose to live in the NOW!

4. Become more empathetic. Stop judging people and start focusing more on being the best you, every.single.day! Decide to love more. Pay more attention to the people already in your life. Sometimes, we seek more people and opportunities outside our existing circles. However, we may get more value by looking inwards and consolidating the existing relationships we already have.

5. Learn to live within your means. Anything else, is a recipe for disaster.

6. Have a clear vision for your year, break down your plans into quarterly, monthly and weekly goals. A day before, set your intentions for the next day and pay attention to your intentions. Become more congruent. Let your actions align with who and what you want for yourself.

7. Quit lying to yourself. There are no excuses or reason for your failure(s). YOU are the only person standing between your purpose and destiny. In 2014, tell yourself only empowering stories. Begin to see your ‘failures’ as feedback for how and where to course-correct in your life’s journey. Be gentle and forgiving of yourself and your so-called ‘mistakes’. Surrender and accept your humanity. And also arise and embrace your divinity. You are a sacred mystery, your life may not always make sense, stop trying to figure it all out, and just focus on living it well.

8. Join a group of like-minded people and volunteer your time, expertise, money, energy, towards a worthwhile cause. Make a difference, no matter how small. Surround yourself with people who see and bring out the light in you. You are a being of light and love, decide to plant yourself in garden(s) that will nurture your growth. Do more of what you love and obliterate the negativity in your life.

9. Take better care of your body, it is your sacred vessel for being. Have a fun activity or sport(s) you engage in regularly. Practice the 80-20 rule of good nutrition; eat a minimum of 80% healthy foods and indulge in a maximum of 20% of …(fill in the blanks) 🙂

10. Carve out resources and dedicate them to your personal development, in all areas of your life (Health, Finances, Community, Leisure, Spirituality, Your Purpose/Passions, Mental/Emotional growth etc). If you’re not growing, you’re dying. You cannot do both simultaneously. Choose to grow, evolve and transform your life.

Whatever you do, do NOT sit on the sidelines. Get off the toxic fence and LIVE! Life is waiting for you, take that next step, and amaze even yourself!

Join the conversation on our Facebook Pagewww.facebook.com/wholewomannetwork

Impossible journeyTake the next steps. Interested in booking a 30-minutes complimentary Strategy Session? Need more information on WWN’s individual/group/organizational training, coaching and speaking engagements, or our leadership certification programs, contact us via email: info@wholewomannetwork.com or call +1.905.709.5866


The preceding is a guest post from Juliet Ume, MBA –Strategic Interventionist, Wealth Management Consultant & Leadership-Coach at Whole Woman Network. Juliet is the author of the upcoming book: ‘UN-Locking Your HeArt of Leadership.” She is an avid Life Connoisseur and a passionate advocate of WomEntrepreneurship, Leadership Training, Investment & Financial Literacy for women. Her mission is simply to engage, educate and empower women (and men), regardless of their levels of income or background, to return to ‘wholeness’ and live Healthier, Sexier, Wealthier Lives using Faith-based, Scientific and Universal (Common-Sense) principles! Follow her on Twitter: @wholewomaninc, @julietumeinc. Read her daily reflective posts on Facebook.

A Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from all of us at Whole Woman Network

What an amazing, eventful and exciting year it’s been! From all of us at Whole Woman Network, we wish you and your families a very MERRY & BLESSED CHRISTMAS. Thank you for making this year a truly blessed and beautiful experience.Blessed Christmas

This Christmas season, we urge you to celebrate, rejoice and reflect on the saviour’s coming. He came for this purpose: to create a new world based on unconditional love and to bring love, healing and redemption to each and every one of us. In essence, to remind us that we are WORTHY!

Think about it! Who are you in Christ? What is your purpose on this earth? Why are you really here? How can you begin to fulfil your destiny?

We all pray for long and healthy life, however, some people alive in the world today may not see another Christmas. These are sobering thoughts but they are also the truth.

I heard of the shocking death of a loved one yesterday (Christmas eve), and it gave me reason to pause and seriously reflect about my life, my purpose and personal goals, going forward. So for close to four hours, I wrote down key highlights of my life thus far and significant emotional events that align with the core of who I perceive myself and my purpose to be. Hmmmnn, all I can say is, it was a phenomenally cathartic experience, that led me through a gamut of emotions; angry, sad, hurt, guilt, shame, fear, drain, and then, excited, hopeful, joyous, loved, empowered and free!

GloryIn this moment, write down what you think your purpose is. It will guide and channel your thoughts, words, actions in all your interactions going forward.

It can be simply to love your family, to be the best father, mother, daughter, sister, friend, cousin, niece, nephew, god-parent, colleague, community member, citizen etc.

Then, simply write down what type of person you want to be as you fulfill your different roles in life. Ask yourself what your core values are and what principles you hold sacrosanct and sacred. What are your responsibilities and what gives you the most joy and peace? How congruent are you with your values? Are your actions aligned with who you wish to be?

The purpose of this exercise is not for self-flagellation or to beat yourself up, rather it is to celebrate your awareness of who you think you are verses who you are being, now, in this moment. It is to bring your attention to important things about yourself that you should be focusing on. We often get caught up in the ‘busy-ness’ of life that we forget to actually LIVE.

This reflection is simply to get you to re-connect with who you desire to be and to  re-introduce you back to yourself so that you can re-discover the unique, magnificent and whole being that you are. You are a beloved child of God, created in love, moulded with love and redeemed through love. You are a being of love and light. Your purpose is to share this with the world in everything you do.

I asked myself the same questions and this is a very short summary of what I came up with: I am passionate about Engaging, Educating and Empowering people to connect with their purpose, step into their personal power and take ACTION by living passionately in their lives, work, business and community.

I love connecting with people, meaningfully and deeply and coaching myself and others to OWN both our awesomeness and our crap, because it all makes us unique.

I am passionate not just merely about change, but really about TRANSFORMATION. I love coaching, training and empowering people on transformational self-leadership, so that they are living every single day with purpose, on purpose.

I am also passionate about asking questions that lead people to uncover the magnificence buried deep within themselves. I love being a tour guide & bridge for others, on their journey to wholeness and completeness. I am passionate about collaborating, with synergy, so that we can all create, heal, transform, serve, love, inspire, celebrate & live the best versions of our lives each day e are blessed to be on earth.

I believe that empowered people create empowered families and societies. I believe that we are each powerful beyond belief and once we decide to take action in alignment with our core, we shall be unstoppable agents of transformation.

My purpose is to create advanced awareness and empower myself and others to transform and live with authenticity, purpose, passion & power, in work and life. I train, coach, speak on how people can make empowered and informed choices in different areas of their lives.

My focus is to create congruence and authenticity in how people live their lives. I draw upon my over 18 years experience across multi-disciplinary fields; Engineering, Investment & Finance, International Business, Coaching & Training. I train and speak on such topics such as Work-Life choices, Financial Literacy, Creating empowered Relationships, How to have success in a Value-Based, Empathy-Driven Economy, Sustainability in work and life, Entrepreneurship with Heart, Fusing Passion and Profit, Finding your Purpose by embracing your passions and pains, etc.

My purpose is to create experiential platforms of learning by collaborating and connecting with different individuals and groups, with a common vision to transform ourselves and our society for the greater good.

This is My Philosophy: “It is a fallacy to believe that we are fractured or broken; the truth is that we are enough, indeed, we are whole and complete. Our life’s journey then becomes a return to WHOLENESS. We are here to heal, create, serve, celebrate, surrender, soar, love and simply BE and B.E.A.M: Be Everything And More! Embrace your passions and your pains. Own your awesomeness and magnificence. Also, own your vulnerability, imperfections and your crap! Each day, embrace experiential growth and a spiritual awakening. Own your divinity and your humanity! Lead yourself; dare to transform and see your life in a whole new light.” 

Again, from all of us at Whole Woman Network, we wish you a wonderful Christmas and may the grace and love of Jesus Christ abide with you and fill you with light, peace, excellent health, abundance and joy!

Join the conversation on WWN Facebook Pagewww.facebook.com/wholewomannetwork

For more information on our individual/group/organizational training, coaching and speaking engagements, or our leadership certification programs, contact us via email: info@wholewomannetwork.com or call +1.905.709.5866


The preceding is a guest post from Juliet Ume, MBA –Strategic Interventionist, Wealth Management Consultant & Leadership-Coach at Whole Woman Network. Juliet is the author of the upcoming book: ‘UN-Locking Your HeArt of Leadership.” She is an avid Life Connoisseur and a passionate advocate of WomEntrepreneurship, Leadership Training, Investment & Financial Literacy for women. Her mission is simply to engage, educate and empower women (and men), regardless of their levels of income or background, to return to ‘wholeness’ and live Healthier, Sexier, Wealthier Lives using Faith-based, Scientific and Universal (Common-Sense) principles! Follow her on Twitter: @wholewomaninc, @julietumeinc. Read her daily reflective posts on Facebook.